My main influences for providing Trumpet Meditations are the contemplative nature of performing Taps while being at memorials and funerals (while in the US Army), Paramahansa Yogananda’s Cosmic Chants, the East Indian style of devotional music called Kirtan, and the improvisational nature of Indian Ragas. While attending classes at Naropa University, I took an Indian Devotional and Raga Singing class and Naropa’s Open Mics allowed me to experiment with raga in a unique way.
Trumpet Meditations are a part of my Yoga Sessions.
Taps in honor of the 100th Armistice Day, hosted by the @naropau Spirit of the Warrior student group and WarriorMa.
Story of the Warrior Event at Naropa University Trumpet Meditation in honor of the 100th Armistice Day, hosted by the Naropa Spirit of the Warrior student group and WarriorMa.